
From April 8th 2023 wearing a face mask in the practise is not mandatory anymore. If you suffer from cold symptoms, please wear one voluntarily. Your fellow patients will thank you!

Upcoming closing times

10.-14.2.2025 In urgent cases you can see one of the following doctors: Dr. Teicher Tel. 4706263 Spitzwegstrasse 66, GP Dr. Fleischer/Dr. Fischer Tel. 4724867 Altstrehlen 3-5, Dr. Gehlsen Tel. 4724783 Lockwitzer Str. 1,  Dr. Preuß  Tel. 4711146 Caspar-David-Friedrich-Str. 13, GP Dr.Reichel / Dr.Reichel Tel. 4712711 Lockwitzer Strasse 15, Praxis Dr. Weiss Tel. 4707224 Wilhelm-Franke-Strasse 18 10., 11., 13., 14.2.: GP Dr. Zschornack/Dr.Krause Tel. 4710365 Altstrehlen 3-5

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